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Your Favorite Place

October 2, 2021

Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, So is my beloved among the sons. I sat down in his shade with great delight, And his fruit was sweet to my taste.

~Song of Solomon 2:3~

I remember growing up and having my special places I'd run to. A spot in a room, a shaded area outside or even a favorite store. Can you picture in your mind your favorite place you'd run to as a child? Do you have one now? I am sure that you do. A place set up in your home that makes you feel comfortable. A family member's house that caters to you with food and good conversation, making you feel loved and appreciated. Perhaps its even your work, which I know can be rare, that you enjoy so much because a certain boss or coworker favors you in such a way that makes you sad to even go back home. What ever the place may be, we all have those favorite ones, dont we? As I drove home today I pictured our Lord's favorite place to be when He walked this earth. I remember how He longed to be with the Father every chance He could get. He stepped aside from His disciples and His own family to be with Abba in prayer.

"Now it came to pass in those days that He went out to the mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer to God."

(Luke 6:12)

Jesus' favorite place was with His Father in Heaven. As He ascended to sit beside Him, His favorite place increased to be with all of us each moment of each day. We are His dwelling place; "And I heard a loud voice from heaven saying, “Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and they shall be His people. God Himself will be with them and be their God."

(Revelation 21:3)

We are His Beloved. How He longs to run to us every chance He has. We are His favorite place. Can we say that about Him? Do we love the Lord so much that we crave His presence every moment we get? Are we in a sense, addicted to the Lord so much that we can't manage without sitting in His presence?

It is time for us to truely long to be with Jesus, so much so that it becomes our new favorite place to be. There will be nothing like it. We will feel pained if we miss a chance to rest in our favorite place, right beside Him. The One who takes time out to be with us, wants nothing more then us to do the same. We stand out to Father like a prized possession, yet we find ourselves wanting other things to fill our voids. We run to the places that make us feel at peace when true peace resides in the One who made these places for us to run to. Now dont get me wrong, it's plenty good that we have these places we love to go, to rest and to be. But are we taking the time to invite Jesus to be there right beside us? Are we thanking Him for all we have while coming to these spots? "I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy."

(Philippians 1:3‭-‬4)

What does a spouse long the most for but the very company of His beloved? Jesus wants us to make our favorite place somewhere He can join us. He wants us to call on Him wherever we may be and enjoy these spots with Him. Just as He called on the Father in each setting He came into in His earthly ministry, He teaches us to imitate this way of life. Remember, He is the Life.

"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6)

So as I ponder the old favorite places of my childhood to which I "believed" gave me relaxation; I can appreciate the new favorite places being so much more valueable, for then I knew Jesus not, today I know Him with my whole heart that I cannot enjoy a single place without Him beside me. I am His favorite place and He is mine.


My Lord, my God, how I love that You are my dwelling place. The place I run to and receive true peace. Thank you for loving me so much to consider me Your favorite place to be. Help me to imitate Your life on earth by honoring Abba in all that I do. I do it all for the glory of Him. If not for You I would still be running to places for false peace. I have tasted true love and I will never go back. Guide me in the paths of Your heart so I may know You that much more. Let the partnership between us enhance. I give praise, honor and glory to You for You have given me so many places to enjoy and I do not want to be in them without You. I pray more of Your children to understand how important that relationship is to You. In Your love filled Name I pray, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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