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Wise, Yet Gentle.

October 8, 2021

“Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.

~Matthew 10:16~

Jesus warned us of the world He has put us in. As one may say, it's certainly not all "puppies and rainbows." The enemies we come against and the tricks that will be played towards us will cause us to need specific guidance. Lucky for us, we have God's Spirit directing our steps. That is if we let Him. There is much that will attempt to confuse us or cause us to take control on our own. This is most certainly a time to live wisely according to Jesus' instruction. He modeled it very well to us here on earth in His own ministry. He showed us and told us what to do and how to act. We are humans and humans struggle with many different temptations to "be right," "be front and center," or "be in charge."

Jesus calls us His sheep. Do sheep ever truely take charge? Of course not. They need a Shepherd to direct them with wisdom. They will easily become scared and shaken, running away from that which frightens them and become easily lost. "I have gone astray like a lost sheep; Seek Your servant, For I do not forget Your commandments."

(Psalms 119:176)

It is so easy to wander off as a sheep in God's fold. There are so many things purposely set to distract us. We need our Shepherd's wisdom.

Jesus was certainly wise. He spoke in parables and dealt with those who came against Him in a peaceful manner. He was most definitely gentle; He loved on everyone who didn't accept Him, He helped an adulteress woman be protected from being stoned and He even spoke to spirits in a calm tone. We are to follow Him in this same manner. We are to act as He did. This instruction is very clear, a warning in love that there are many wolves out there and that it is for us to remain wise in God's ways and gentle in the ways of Jesus' earthly manners. We are to be fighters when need be, yet to be humble at the same time. How do we remain humble while fighting? It can only be done with God.

"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 2:5)

Only Christ can shape us into His image. Time set aside for Him each day, devouted to managing our own emotions and asking God for wisdom as we move. Only He can teach us how to be as wise as a serpent and gentle as a dove. What part of us has trouble receiving wisdom? Which part of us has issues remaining gentle? Let us take time to set aside today to ask Jesus how we can personally be smart in His ways so as not to get tricked by a wolf in the midst of us. As prey is being hunted, there are strategies an animal will take until it pounces. We have the ability to learn Heaven's strategies to avoid being pounced on. "Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." (Romans 12:21)

As we grow to imitate Jesus, the wolves will come at us stronger. Our Shepherd awaits us each day to guide us into the pasture with the others. We cannot take on anything alone. We must truely submit and this is wise.

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you." (James 4:7)

We must truely love and this is gentle.

"Love suffers long and is kind; love does not envy; love does not parade itself, is not puffed up." (I Corinthians 13:4)

What so ever is blocking us from doing these two things at once, it is up to us to allow God to prune us of these so we may flourish as He urges us to. Let us join hands with Jesus and admit where we need that extra help so we may gain wisdom and humility. Being well trained and yet having self control, as a serpent and a dove all combined in one. Jesus did so, let us really mean it as we say "I will follow You."


Father, thank you for teaching me and showing me the true actions I need to take as I follow Your Son. I want to receive wisdom from Heaven and gentleness from my Savior so that I may shine His Presence through my own self. I want others to see Jesus and not me. Let Your glory so shine before the men and women that you surround me with. If I have any area of pride in my heart Lord, please help me to rid myself of this so I may be humble in the sight of my Father. If I am being too harsh to others, guide me how to be gentle. If I am remaining too naive, teach me how to fight when needed. I ask for increased spiritual discernment so that I may know, see and hear from You each day. I want my words "I follow You," to be true and faithful. Lead me in Your ways, Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

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