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What Is In Your Cup?

For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.

Romans 12:3

I like to think of myself having the "cup half full" kind of perspective.  I try to remain optimistic as I lived most of my life being a pessimist, looking at everything around me as if it was just falling to pieces because well, in my world it was.  I didn't fit in pretty much anywhere I went unless of course I was hanging with those slung on the side of the street drunk or drugged up.  That was my normal. That was my measure of faith without Jesus.  I didn't feel I had a purpose aside from the purpose to live so others didn't grieve the loss of a daughter,  student, or friend.  Jesus has taught me to realize how even with Him I will not fit in most places I go, but did He?   "But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause."

(John 15:25)

Now, of course I have people who love me, don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to play "poor me, no one loves me."  But I am also a realist as well.  Truth is truth. Following the Lord can and will bring along backlash, backstabbing, slander, accusations and loss. 

But guess who will not leave? That's right, you guessed it. 

"Let your conduct be without covetousness; be content with such things as you have. For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

Father God, Lord Jesus and Holy Spirit will always be right there along side us through each journey we are taken on.  Guess who else was looked at strangely for their calling? The very man who wrote this scripture in Romans 12; Paul once called Saul.

A previously known pessimist turned optimist,

just like myself.  Paul wanted each of us to be encouraged through our individual faith journey with this word, letting us know that to each one God gives us a measure of faith for the very thing He calls us into.  So instead of looking at our cups as half empty, because that's what we are right? Vessels in which God fills.  "But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us."

(II Corinthians 4:7)

We have the ability to look at our cups as half full, with the measure of faith given to each one of us. Person one may be called to bigger assignments, therefore needing a particular measure of faith to cover it.  Person two may be called to other assignments whereas their measure of faith may not be aligned in the same with person one.  Even though an assignment/measure of faith may seem larger does not take away from the equal love the Father has for each member.  The important thing is neither should judge the other and neither should think highly of themselves.  All of our cups are half full in my eyes, it's all about perspective. 

What is in your cup? Do you have the measure of a teacher, a pastor, a full time minister or missionary, a daycare worker, a market manager? Do you have the measure to fill a position that is miraculous, unseen, unheard of, to step into the darkest of dark places to pull out souls that others may not be comfortable doing?  Whichever it is that measure of faith is not of our own, it's a gift God gives to get us through the very thing He calls us to.  It is encouraging and wonderful to know that even Paul was given a measure of faith to endure beatings, persecution and rejection by large masses of people in order to fulfill his ministry of preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ to the Jews and Gentiles alike, as instructed. 

Jesus shows us to love eachother and leave judgement to Him.  This keeps us at peace with Him, grounded in love of God and focusing on what is in our own cup.  Drink up!

God is bringing us all to different places but for the same advancement, for the Kingdom of Heaven.  Don't be discouraged if you see someone stepping into higher or unknown territory. Don't allow the enemy to whisper to you telling you that "you're just not as important."  For the word of God plainly states to each one a measure is given and it is up to us to think and act on it soberly. 


Father, thank you that I once being a pessimist am now able to renew my mind to be optimistic.  It is by Your measure of faith in me that I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.  I give You all honor as I am filled by Your grace to withstand what You call me into.  I know it does not matter what others may think but rather how You love and see me.  My Creator chooses me to perserve His Name among communities, nations and lost souls.  For this I am grateful for my fortune and misfortune as it hits.  I love You Lord with my whole heart and I choose to serve You and the Body with equality in love. I could not do that without being grounded in Your word and intimacy.  Let all i do be done for Your praise because in the end that's what drives me further and my cup overflows!  In the Name of Jesus, I pray.  Amen.

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