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Time To Leave The Nest

September 29, 2021

As an eagle stirs up its nest, Hovers over its young, Spreading out its wings, taking them up, Carrying them on its wings,

~Deuteronomy 32:11~

We are approaching days that seem different, increasing each challenging time in our lives that causes us to focus on our faith above all else. We are itty bitty birds nestling up to our nests, getting all too comfortable. Our Father in heaven is to us as a mother eagle is to her young. At times when He needs to strengthen us for the next journey, He will stir up our nests causing us to look up. As young birds get ready to fly they are nudged and shaken a bit. They pretty much just go for it. The Lord is gentle but also tough, He is the perfect mixture of what true love represents; "There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment. But he who fears has not been made perfect in love."

(I John 4:18)

Even as an eagle stirs up its young, it spreads out its wings and carries them. The Lord is stirring up some things in the Body right now. He is hovering over top and carrying His young to where they need to be. He is strengthening his flock by teaching us to fly high above our inner fear. He is preparing us to truely go in faith. A baby bird has great faith in its mother as it follows its lead without any question of where it is going. Jesus is taking us into a time where we will have such faith that removes all doubt and question of "who, where and when." "So the Lord said, “If you have faith as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be pulled up by the roots and be planted in the sea,’ and it would obey you."

(Luke 17:6)

Let our faith take us soaring higher to where God is trying to bring us. We must not be afraid of the unseen or the unknown. Jesus has a plan for each of His young and He promises to carry us there. Young birds trust in their mother and father to guide them out of the nest in perfect time. Are we trusting in the Lord in where He is guiding us or are we struggling to stay in the nest we have become comfortable in? Times will change, the atmosphere will move and we will eventually get too big to stay where we are.

Let us do an inner study of ourselves together. What are we getting too comfortable in? What are we not wanting to leave or set aside for the Lord? Jesus is pressing our hearts to not be afraid of the next adventure. "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also." (James 2:26)

If an eagle remains trapped in its nest forever, it shall surely die. We are meant to spread our wings and head out into the world where our Father created us to be for His purpose. There is only so much time and each day could be the last, its time to truely live with trust in our mother eagle. Jesus is waiting with His wings spread out telling us to get on for He has a special place for each of us to go. Wherever the Lord is calling you to, I bless this and I pray that we all have the courage within the lion of Judah to take that next step and leave our nest. It is time.


Father God, thank you for protecting me as Your own. You have taught me so much and led me into all the right places. Help me to never trust in myself or in men. I rely on Your guidance and I know I will safely get to where I need to be. Let nothing hinder my trust in You Abba. If I am being anxious about change, help to show me how to increase my faith in You. Wherever I go, You will be. Blessed is He who is faithful in my life, who supplies me with all the riches and glory in Christ Jesus. I receive strength, courage and endurance to press ahead and take that next step to leave my comfortable nest. I take it with You holding me all the way through. In the Name of Jesus, i pray and rejoice in these changes. Amen.

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