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"The Man is Me-Window of Mercy" Urgent Message from the Lord!! (Not a devotion)

John 5:1-15

Lamentations 2

Zechariah 14:12-16

Psalm 37

As I sit here writing up this very urgent message from the Father, my spirit trembles; not only in reverence for the Creator but in understanding of what is to come upon those who do not take this message seriously. 

My heart sinks at what the Father will release upon those who are walking in arrogance, who are confident that they will be just fine.  For there is coming a day very soon that we may be caught off guard and those who believe they are faithfully serving the Lord will come to understanding they have been serving the desires of their flesh this whole time.  We are approaching Rosh Hashana on Sunday evening, something the Lord has placed on my heart to take very seriously.  I began hearing last month "rosh hashana this year is very vital."  As I grow in deeper intimacy to the Father's heart I have learned the importance of showing these feasts respect and honor as they manifest the very Body of our King.  It draws us nearer and it shows the love we have for God and His Kingdom coming on earth. Just last month during a heavy worship night, the Lord revealed that He has set up my fireplace to be our home church/family altar before God to lay down burdens and repent of sins before Him.  Covered with decor that was given to me prophetically by Him through many people and drawings He called me to make to display on it; He was showing me finally how He was preparing this place for us to come to on our knees together as a family, as a church group.  A lot has happened there so far.  As we approach the Jewish New Year my spirit is growing more excited and sad at the same time, because I know this is the beginning of a blessing for some and this is the beginning of a curse for others.  The act of humility has been weighed upon me each day along with a burden the Lord placed on me to carry into intercession for His Body to come together truly as One,  to pray the High Priestly prayer from John 17 and to ask God to bring people to their knees before Him so they can love like He loves.   The Lord has set my physical body in a desert to be out of the eye of the public for a time to prepare, I am grateful for those who have stood beside me and prayed interceding for my family as you can imagine the warfare all of this has brought upon us.  But Praise God! He always wins!

Fast forward to this morning, I awoke at 5am and my spirit was hit with an urgency that again there are assignments I need to break against my family.  I was told to text specific people to give specific messages to.  I stayed up for a good total of two hours praying on and off until I felt the spirit shift and the atmosphere release and break from what I felt to be highly demonic. Now, this was not just around me what I was sensing but present in the world. It felt larger then my mind could comprehend. Yet Christ was showing me something again, I knew.  I began to open my Bible and landed on Isaiah chapter 4 and 5.  My eyes zoned in by Holy Spirit I began to read it out loud when suddenly I heard Holy Spirit say to me "judgement is coming very soon upon the wicked." I fell asleep rather quickly after this.

I immediately went into a dream I knew God was taking me into.  Holy Spirit has been speaking to me even as I sleep these days and the discernment and calmness of His voice keep me able to withstand the things He shows me.  I won't bore you all with the whole dream but I will point out the part God has told me to focus on, which is the man I spoke to in this dream.  We were sitting in a waiting room, we were awaiting to use a pool that was being used by a swim team at the time.

All kinds of people appeared, including this man, sitting all around me and talking amongst eachother.  This man I was particularly drawn to talk to as he was sitting on my left side and began talking to me about what God was about to unleash upon people.

I acknowledged his physical appearance although it did not gross me out or cause me to judge him.  He was a lame man, he had one eye and the other what looked to be shrunken away, his body was a darker skin toned color seemingly covered in leprosy, his limbs were very skinny and frail.  I kept feeling the urge to look him In his one eye as he spoke to me with such wisdom. I felt such a deep love and joy looking into this man's eye, oh the love I felt for him! The humility he carried. The contentment he voiced, even in the midst of what looked like utter torment over his whole body.

His message went something like this "God is about to make all things come to pass, whether they be blessing or curse He will make it all come to pass."  The Spirit of God leaped within me as I pointed in response "You are absolutely right!"  As he proceeded to talk to look at me, we both then turned to the group of people waiting around us and began telling them this same message, however the people weren't hearing us or rather not responding to it.  They proceeded to talk amongst eachother as they awaited going into the pool.  As I awake from the dream I can hear Holy Spirit loud and clear tell me to "warn the people, there is still some time.  They need to repent and renounce the curses they have accepted and spoken amongst themselves.  For God will make it come to pass with what they decide." 

I felt the urgency in my spirit yet again that I have to somehow get this word out to many people before the weekend is up. Rosh Hashana approaches, we are getting ready to celebrate with the Lord the upcoming newness He will bring as we humble ourselves in repentance and reverence before Him. We have a choice to make not only who we will serve, but how we will serve.  As I prayed on this dream all day and sought the Lord for answers, I kept hearing these words over and over until I wrote them down; "Pool of Bethesda."   The Lord took me to John 5 and I read again the story about the man who Jesus questioned if he truly wanted to be made well.

As I was writing the portion about this amazingly humble gentlemen I spoke to in my dream, I heard the voice of the Lord come in and say "Kayla, I am the man."  I began to cry and feel completely shattered in my soul for not only how my Lord's Body looked in appearance, but what that meant prophetically to the Body of Christ if we do not get our act together very soon.  God is about to release something we can't even fathom, but He says to me "there is a window of mercy right now." A small window is what I am discerning in my heart.  I sure hope I am wrong about that.

Now I understand the importance of this message focusing on just the man and his word rather then the details prior to this interaction.  We MUST keep our eyes set on our Beloved Jesus.  We must honor Him in whatever He calls us to do.  We must stop walking in sin and iniquity.  We must humble ourselves while there is still some time left.

Have we been nourishing Him or have we been adding disease to the Body of Christ with our fleshly responses to situations around us? Do we love Him with our whole heart? Do we want blessing or curse? The scripture tells us we can choose.  Yes we believe in Him, but what we do with that belief matters most.  For as Jesus said to the man who was healed at the pool of Bethesda "go and sin no more, lest the worst thing come upon you."

My Friends, my Family please take this very seriously.  I have been sickened in my body and spirit all day over this word and I know I cannot feel better until I release it to you all, because that's how the Lord weighs a burden upon my spirit.  Please take this to the Lord in prayer and ask Him to search your heart and purify it.  Please repent of any known or unknown sin. Please put away foolish disputes, jealousy and bitterness. Forgive and let go.  Rise up with the Lord so you may be blessed this coming new year.  The Scriptures I have listed above, I implore you to meditate on as you pray.  I love you all. God Bless and God rest.

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