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September 14, 2021

He calms the storm, So that its waves are still.

~Psalms 107:29~

There is a lot stirring up around us. Major storms in the nations, in our churches, in our house holds and in our own lives. The deceiver breathes destruction upon those who are most vulnerable and attempts to cause hopelessness. Some of us are finding our backs up against a wall and are waiting on the Lord to calm our minds. The power seems to be flickering on and off inside of us as the storm surges. We are preparing ourselves to "rebuild if necessary." The Lord is asking us to have faith. A faith that trusts in the same God who was and is and is to come. A faith that remembers how He spoke to the storm and caused the waves to be still; "Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm."

(Mark 4:39)

So often we struggle because our flesh takes over what our spirit longs to over take. The body is out of alignment with the things of heaven and we eagerly wait with tears for Jesus to calm our storms. He is a God of promise. He is Sovereign enough to speak to all of what He has made and command it to be calm. This includes in our own lives. The Lord is doing a mighty work in all of us in these times. For a season He will watch as the waves rise up around us so that He can reveal the treasure of our hearts. He will wait on us to surrender fully to His works.

"Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up." (James 4:10)

It is up to us which step we take next. Do we attempt to take control ourselves or do we wait in the midst of the storm for our faithful King to come and calm its waves? He is reaching His hand out and some times we are looking the other way. No situation is too much for God to handle. We must believe He can and will; "But even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You.”

(John 11:22)

Our Father does not desire us to lose this battle. He does not want us to give up. He wants us to look to the One who looked fear and worry in its face and commanded it to be still. There are glorious things ahead and a lot of us are not even able to receive such a blessing quite yet. If we fight for something long enough, when it comes to be we will appreciate it that much more. The Lord is preparing us all to receive answered prayers, new dreams and fulfillments. It will seem hopeless as the opposing side causes road blocks to attempt to slow us down. As the world speeds up and as time presses on, Jesus is telling us to be steady. Steady our minds with taking every thought captive; "casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ."

(II Corinthians 10:5)

Steady our hearts as we place all of our trust in Him above our own possessions and loved ones; "Some trust in chariots, and some in horses; But we will remember the name of the Lord our God."

(Psalms 20:7)

Steady our souls as we ask Holy Spirit for the help to produce the fruits rather then our own emotions; "For the flesh lusts against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; and these are contrary to one another, so that you do not do the things that you wish."

(Galatians 5:17)

We are in the boat as Jesus' disciples and He is asleep right next to us. We begin to doubt and want to give up and He awakes again to come to our rescue. Jesus is about to "come to our rescue," but He truely wants us to have faith that He will. It is time to be steady and not panic, it is time to reach back to the Lord and know that He will turn this into His glory as we surrender. The cost is never cheap to gain glory. But it is truely worth the wait.


Father God, thank you for never giving up on me as I may have given up on You. I pray that You may calm the storm in my heart, my mind, my soul and my body. I trust that You have a plan and it is being worked out. I need not only but to remain steady and trust in You. You have prepared me for a time such as this and I am blessed to be alive. I praise thee for the steadfast love and patience as many may be blaming You for the storms in their lives. You still have mercy and You still wait for us to make the right move. Show me Holy Spirit what that right move is next so I may obey the Father. I pray for strength and endurance as I press on to Your call. I receive blessing in the timing You have to bring it to fulfillment. All glory be to You. My God who calms every storm and causes its waves to be still. Help me to steady. In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

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