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Stand, For I Stand With You!

August 5, 2021

Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness.

~Ephesians 6:14~

A word of the Lord came to me this morning for my brethren, He grasped my hand tightly looking into my eyes saying "Stand! For I, the Lord, stands with you!" He was rather excited and firm speaking this as He insists everyone to know just how much we have won already! His eyes piercing my heart as He spoke it, His hand of power shaking me to my core increasing my warrior spirit within me He has given. The Lord is planting this same warrior in all of us! He is strengthening us through our trials and preparing us for the Day of battle. We are enlisted in His Army, the winning team! "And I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies, gathered together to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army."

(Revelation 19:19)

The Lord wants us to be strong enough to stand without stumbling. In order to do so He gently prepares us for this moment. Each time we get hit again, we are filled with understanding on His strategies. We must gird ourselves with the Truth. Girding requires preparation and routine. The belt is put on by nobody but ourselves. The Lord is getting us ready to dress ourselves to win with Him. When we wear the truth our entire being is surrounded and held together by it. Anything that attempts to knock us over will only make a dent but we will remain standing, for there is nothing stronger then the word of God! "For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. (Hebrews 4:12)

The word of God is strongest enough to pierce every foe of ours. The Name of Jesus is all the power we need. He stands beside us and He never leaves! There is no room for fear in the Lord's Kingdom. There is no room for doubt. Let us believe we can and will stand! I beseech you all to gird your waist, surround yourselves in God's truth and stand. The righteousness God has given us through Jesus is the trophy we will cast at His feet in Heaven, for by the time we see Him face to face it will be finished! It is already done as Jesus said, it is up to us to stand, lest we fall; "The Lord of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge. Selah"

(Psalms 46:7)

Pause and ponder this with the Lord. Meditate on His promises. Declare and rejoice that you have already received the victory! Stand up and stomp the devil refusing to welcome him or glorify him in any way. He lost. Its over. He may still be here for now but his time is short and we can celebrate in the midst if his schemes. We do not have to let them work over our lives. Gird yourselves! Jesus never leaves us to stand alone; "Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you,” says the Lord."

(Jeremiah 1:8)

If we are not standing we are either sitting or laying down. Let us not lay our blessings down for anyone, we have come too far to turn back or give up! We have only just begun my dear family! Hallelujah for the King is alive and He defeated these moments we walk in now at Calvary. Time to speak to our circumstances and watch as God wipes out every demon that tries to latch on. Teach your children to gird themselves, it is time to prepare this generation for war; "But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 19:14)

How grateful I am to be alive today writing to you all as a vessel of the Holy Spirit! I am honored to be used anyway our King needs me and I know you are too! Stand! For He is standing with you preparing you for the calling of a champion. I feel His excitement coursing through my veins now as I imagine being lined up in front of geared up soldiers for Christ, giving a pregame speech to encourage before we are to go and take the win! Believe what the Lord has coming my friends! Do not let the enemy steal your joy, your pep, or your dance! The Lord is our Banner!


Yahweh Nissi, you are my Almighty Banner which I carry everywhere I go! Everything unholy cringes at the sight of me for I carry Jesus' righteousness! Thank you for this win Lord, thank you for Your sweet treasure of always being with me. I know this fight is always won as You stand beside me and speak through me. I have come too far and I refuse to turn back. Just as You split the Red Sea and made it to come back together so the Israelites would not be able to turn back, I press on with You into the Promised Land. Guide me today my Lord in glorifying Your Name and shining Your Presence through me. Let all that has breath praise Your Name and stand! I bless all of my brothers and sisters for I know You are strengthening them for glory! In Your most Holy Name I pray and receive this, Yeshua Messiah. Amen.

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