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On His Mission

October 3, 2021

And Saul said to Samuel, “But I have obeyed the voice of the Lord, and gone on the mission on which the Lord sent me, and brought back Agag king of Amalek; I have utterly destroyed the Amalekites.

~I Samuel 15:20~

As Saul reigned as king, he still had the same instruction we all have today; to listen and obey the Spirit of God. To go where He says to go and to stay where he says to stay. God has very specific plans and for each of us those plans will look different, we will not always understand them. The Lord instructed Saul into a mission to defeat the Amalekites and to destroy all possessions, to not keep any of it. Saul decided to make his own decision and focus on the task in a whole different way then what God had in store. For his disobedience, Saul suffered those consequences; "For rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft, And stubbornness is as iniquity and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He also has rejected you from being king.”

(I Samuel 15:23)

Saul got caught up in his own idea of what God's mission looked like to him, what he had his mind set on verse what God desired of him to do. Have you ever found yourself being called to a place or called to fulfill a plan for the Lord and you thought it would turn out to be one way when it turned out to be another? This has happened to me personally this day. Usually when the Spirit calls me to a setting, a place or to a group it is because He has an assignment for me to fulfill for Him. A person to reach, a group to pray for or serious chains to break. With God's help usually I find myself in these situations and I give Him all the glory; "Therefore I have reason to glory in Christ Jesus in the things which pertain to God."

(Romans 15:17)

Here I am being called to a large revival event filled with all kinds of people, told to volunteer on the prayer team, expecting to be praying over a lot of folks and being prepared to do so because well, Jesus is faithful. As a serious follower of the Lord, I go where He tells me and I stay where He keeps me. Obedience is number one in my heart. But here I was today, armed and ready to pray by the masses and it just wasnt what I expected. It was definitely such a blessing and lots of fun worshipping; meeting new brothers and sisters, praying over others from a distance and some up close but just not what I thought my mission was for the day. I of course never know what to expect, but God was showing me His mission for me was to feel Him in the crowd; to observe a new type of audience and spend time with family all while hearing from Him as He sent me sign posts to say "My daughter, I am here, enjoy this time." Sometimes we get so caught up in the mission itself, we lose track of the meaning behind it. Saul got used to being king and getting all the things he normally would that he thought this mission was no different, God would give him abundantly just as He always did. In the end all He wanted was for Saul to listen, observe, obey and honor Him. When Saul failed to do so, he lost it all. Today the Lord showed me how to truely slow down and take a look around. He showed me who the ones are backing me. He taught me how to rest in the Spirit even in the midst of all types of energy floating through my body. I had other expectations, Jesus always surpasses those. "Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us." (Ephesians 3:20)

I walked away feeling blessed, thankful, loved and even a little confused. It's okay to expect something and receive another, thats how Jesus works. Its okay to ask questions, that's part of our relationship with Him. It is not however okay to disobey the Lord and that is exactly what Saul did. So today Jesus was saying to me "well done, you obeyed and went and you got something else you did not even expect." I was grateful I got to worship and dance. I was satisified I felt a move in my spirit. I was joyful to be with my husband on a beautiful sunny day. I was elated to see many others who loved Jesus as much as we do. All in all the mission was His mission and all I had to do was go and that was obeying. Even in times when you think the Lord is calling you to do something extreme; as you take a step in faith, you may be pleasantly suprised by what Jesus shows you. Each mission is different. Our obedience to it should always remain the same. Tomorrow is the last day of this event and it very well could bring something completely different, I trust that God's way is the best way. For He never disappoints me.

"and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled."

(II Corinthians 10:6)

These are His missions, not mine.


Gracious Adonai, how great You are to be praised! Thank you for giving me the time to worship and meet so many others who love you dearly. I am grateful to be in such a Family. I love the experiences, the lessons and the blessings You bring. Lord, keep using me in any area You need me and even where You just want me present I am there. I love You so much and wherever You go I shall go. I follow You. I long to keep obeying You at every turn. Walking in faith requires not knowing whats ahead but believing it will work out perfectly as You create each moment. I am blessed to be Your son/daughter and to be chosen to serve. Remind me not to get caught up in my own thoughts and just let the glory work as it is designed to. Thank you for making Yourself known to me and for blessing my day. It is in Your Name I pray; the Name which gives such amazing grace, Jesus Christ, my Way Maker. Amen.

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