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In His Hands

September 4, 2021

In His hand are the deep places of the earth; The heights of the hills are His also.

~Psalms 95:4~

As a father holds the hand of his daughter, the daughter admires the size and strength of it next to hers. I can recall my own father squeezing my hand three times as in to say "I love you." This was a little code message we carried for eachother and it was in the palm of his hand. I always remembered how much bigger his hands were compared to my own. It is something I will never forget. Now take those hands of an earthly father and magnify it past what your mind can even understand. The hands of our Father in Heaven are so large that our whole body will fit inside. So when the Father keeps us in the palm of His hands, He really means all of us, not just our hand in His. His hands are strong enough to hold all of Creation. The hills and the depths are unsearchable for us but for God He has it all! From high to low, He is there.

"For thus says the High and Lofty One Who inhabits eternity, whose name is Holy: “I dwell in the high and holy place, With him who has a contrite and humble spirit, To revive the spirit of the humble, And to revive the heart of the contrite ones." (Isaiah 57:15)

All that we see before us was fashioned by our Father. There is nothing too big for Him, there is nobody who sits above Him. He is the Most High God. Picture this in the mind right now; close eyes and imagine Him sitting on His throne towering over all nestling all of His children in His hands. He does not only fit one child at a time and put us down to pick up another. No, He surely holds all of us! He is capable of listening to each voice that speaks. He is capable of seeing all He has made before Him at once. "He who planted the ear, shall He not hear? He who formed the eye, shall He not see?" (Psalms 94:9)

Our small minds cannot possibly contain these matters. We can however look to Him, just as I did to my own father's hand, admiring the strength and size behind him never needing to question it but just to know. We can come to Him with all things for nothing is to deep for Him to reach into. We can cry out in times of distress for He is already right there waiting for us to grab ahold of Him. We all fit and we all belong for He has formed each of us to be loved and to love. His desire to keep His own in safety is stronger then we could ever feel towards our very own; "The Father loves the Son, and has given all things into His hand." (John 3:35)

He loved us enough to give all He had for us to live. He holds us each day through the struggles, the illnesses, the losses and the glory. He brings all things together in His hands for they are big enough and strong enough to grab our entire being, squeeze us three times to say "I love you." He always will and we are never alone. Let us admire our Father and thank Him for holding onto us. We are His. Nothing can or will change this!


Father God Almighty, how grateful I am to be in the palm of Your hands. I know how strong and powerful You are and as You hold me I am forever kept whole. Nothing can penetrate through Your grip. I choose to focus on Your everlasting love for me and I admire You as my Father in Heaven. Thank You for the sweet memories and for the knowledge of just how in control You are. I have nothing to fear for my Father holds my entire being. I have nothing to worry about for my Father supplies all of my need in Christ Jesus. I have nothing to wonder about for my Father has it all planned out and cared for. I follow You and trust in Your hands which hold all beings in Creation. I give praise and all of my love to You as I nestle in Your hands. In the Name of Your Son, my Savior that has made me able to be with You, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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