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Home Address

October 7, 2021

The commander answered, “With a large sum I obtained this citizenship.” And Paul said, “But I was born a citizen.” Then immediately those who were about to examine him withdrew from him; and the commander was also afraid after he found out that he was a Roman, and because he had bound him.

~Acts 22:28‭-‬29~

Paul was taken captive as his words offended so many. He wasn't afraid to speak the truth and to make sure his love of Christ was well seen and heard. As his words echoed throughout the crowds, he soon found himself bound again. Yelled at and questioned, Paul soon used his roman citizenship as a way out. Do we remember the words Jesus spoke to us in regards to making peace with our adversary? "When you go with your adversary to the magistrate, make every effort along the way to settle with him, lest he drag you to the judge, the judge deliver you to the officer, and the officer throw you into prison." (Luke 12:58)

Christ was telling us to make peace with those who are after us, to make an effort to avoid being dragged away. This is what Paul was doing and it certainly worked, didn't it?

They learned that Paul was born a roman citizen and therefore let him go. I find it interesting what the commander spoke to Paul in regards to spending a large sum to obtain this citizenship. Here Paul was freely roman and this man was buying into it. This reminds me of a type of citizenship that is free and already paid for, the citizenship of Heaven. Bought and paid for by the precious Blood of the Lamb.

As I was driving home yesterday, Holy Spirit whispered these words to me. "Home Address," He seems to be giving me titles of devotions before He even explains the meaning behind them. As I stared at people's mailboxes passing by, I saw many different home addresses. Something that people bought to obtain. Suddenly I heard the Lord say to me, "this is why you pray about moving so much and do not feel at home, your home is not here. It is with Me."

I began to realize the true meaning of being a pilgrim on earth, roaming about living for God and waiting for my time to go Home.

"Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God." (Ephesians 2:19)

The closer we get to Jesus, the more we will understand our citizenship in Heaven is more comfortable to us then our own "home address." This one i was driving home to was very much temporary; it too was bought at a price to obtain, but of one that which is not eternal. Where I belong is already paid in full by the Blood of my Savior and it is awaiting me when Father is ready. It will never fade away. We all have a purpose to fulfill here on earth but let us never forget, as Christ followers, we are not keeping this as our permanent address. It will eventually fade away just as it was meant to be. I was realizing just how much I lived for the Lord when hearing these words in my vehicle. I was realizing just how much I couldn't wait to see Him face to face one day. "And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love."

(I Corinthians 13:13)

Love God so much that it is the only thing you consider yourself born into. Paul was using his roman citizenship as a way of escape just as the Lord instructed and we have an even greater citizenship to use as a way of freedom. Adopted sons and daughters, born into the Family of Jesus Christ. This is a citizenship worth speaking of and this is our permanant Home Address.


Dearest Father in Heaven, I know my true citizenship is in You. I was born into it as I made Your Son my Lord and Savior. I believe that wherever I am here on earth is temporary and I feel more at Home with You. I know I will not walk this earth alone, I am filled with Your Spirit which guides me and gives me patience. Thank you for adopting me into the Household of God. I know that I can speak of who I represent and that freedom is already paid in full. Help me to use it as a means of escape when needed. Lead me when to bow my head and when to fight. I want to make sure I never over step Your boundaries. I praise You Lord Jesus for this great Home You have supplied to me and that one day I shall be there forever, it is my permanent Home address. In Your Name, which gave me life, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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