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Growing Pains

October 6, 2021

The man began to prosper, and continued prospering until he became very prosperous;

~Genesis 26:13~

Abraham's son Isaac inherited a blessed covenant which came to be because of his father's great obedience to the Lord. The commands Abraham followed were not all too pleasant and by no means easy. The tests were by far more then we could ever handle ourselves. Being called to move far away, not knowing what was to come on the other side, Abraham followed the Lord as he trusted in Him. "So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken to him, and Lot went with him. And Abram was seventy-five years old when he departed from Haran."

(Genesis 12:4)

Many folks are called to move suddenly according to the Lord's will and blessing. I have heard many testimonies of this when ministry was on the anointing and the only financial and physial provision was what so ever the Lord blessed them with. As each followed, the Lord kept His promises. There was no lack. The step to get there of course was painful, confusing and tiring.

Abraham's next test would be with his own son, Isaac. To take his son and sacrifice him to the Lord. Of course this had to of been far more fightening and painful for Abraham to follow. You could only imagine the thoughts racing through his mind, not to mention the whispers of the enemy who tempted him to run the other way from God's command. Abraham obeyed and God was faithful to him for doing so. Isaac lived and the family's generation was blessed, just as God's covenant promised itd be. Isaac was officially safe guarded and oh so cherished. He began to follow in his father's footsteps and fulfill God's will. Isaac continued to prosper.

I remember being a child and getting these terrible pains in my legs. They would be so bad at times I would be up for hours on end at night, tossing and turning in my bed. My mother would assure me I was having growing pains and that soon they would be over. Boy did they hurt, but they were part of physically growing up. As your body stretches, you will tend to feel some aching and some dread. But i certainly knew I wanted to grow up.

Just as the body feels the aches and pains of physical growth, the spirit will atest to the same aches and pains as Jesus shapes us into the man/woman He has created us to be. We become older and wiser in His eyes and we understand more of what we are called into; "as newborn babes, desire the pure milk of the word, that you may grow thereby." (I Peter 2:2)

Isaac had reached a point no longer needing milk, he was receiving the meat of what God had to offer because his growing pains had seized for the time. We will enter into trying times as we follow Jesus. I can't sit here and say it will be easy because that of course would be a lie. Jesus has to see that we are willing to push through the pains of growth in order to bring us into the next level of our blessing, just as I pushed through my childhood pains in my legs to be the height and stature I am today. My spirit continues to grow as I face tests and trials in honor of my Father. "The Lord tests the righteous, But the wicked and the one who loves violence His soul hates." (Psalms 11:5)

Whether it be a calling to move far away, a new job position or a sacrifice of something we once loved; we must understand that the One who calls us to it will always bring us through it. It is up to us if we can manage to push through the growing pains of getting to where God will bless us abundantly. It won't be easy, but it will always be worth it. The best of things will go through the toughest of trials to bloom. Let us put all of our trust in Him, not being afraid of a little pain along the way.


Merciful Father, thank you for teaching me in ways that will build me up to be stronger. I know that I need to press on through the trials and I shall overcome with You. I believe You will always take me somewhere bigger and better. The abundance of Your love overwhelms my soul and without You I would certainly be stuck in place, going nowhere, desperately needing to grow. Lead me Lord, in the path that leads to physical, spiritual and financial prosperity. I will continue to prosper as You are holding my hand through all the times that may hurt. But just as a woman labors through pain, the birth of something precious comes through it. I trust in You. I give honor and praise to You for teaching me, guiding me and growing me. Give me strength where I need it most so I may benefit the kingdom according to Your will. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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