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Fashioned Together

August 9, 2021

He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.

~Psalms 33:15~

Waking up at the crack of dawn today I hear a still small voice speak to me, "I fashioned them together." The Lord spoke hour after hour these same words to me as I enjoyed God's creation all around me. Sitting on a lake and fishing with a dear friend reminded me of many things that the Lord truely fashioned together. The trees planted so perfectly rooted in the land, the wind blowing above the water making ripples that drew my eyes off my own purpose for being there and the many different kinds of birds that flew, landed and dove down. I wish I could of stayed out there all day just breathing in His wondrous works. I feel so complete as I rest in His presence, thanking Him for everything I am surrounded by. This gratitude grew in me for all that He has fashioned together. This verse reminds us how He fashions all of us. He knits together our hearts and considers the works that we do. He is highly interested in us much more then I could ever be interested in my surroundings today. This was a reminder for me how grateful we need to be towards His soveriegn work. The glory around us that we consider to be simply "natural" when in fact it is all supernatural.

All beings spoken by the One and only Creator Himself; "The Mighty One, God the Lord, Has spoken and called the earth From the rising of the sun to its going down."

(Psalms 50:1)

There is not one plant, animal, body of water, time period or dear friend that Jesus has not spoke into being. All we experience is for a purpose. The Lord wants us to appreciate from sun up to sun down. As we do we have a better understanding of why we were placed in each situation and we begin to ask for more. We do not grow tired of the blessings, we get excited. The Lord fashioned us individually and as a whole. We all serve one Body and Jesus is longing to heal each part of that Body so that it can function as a healthy victor. Friends, He loves us so much that He sits beside us even when we do not call out to Him. He studies our every move, want and emotion and He works to give to us accordingly. "Even so then, at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace."

(Romans 11:5)

He wants His beloved to remain fashioned together to stand for all that He has made for us, to be one with our surroundings and with our people. When we begin to shy away from this we will become distracted from what has been made specially for us and why. He gives in order that we may give back. As I sat on this lake considering all of God's work, the very beauty that He fashioned together and gave to me to enjoy this day, I understood just how often He sits and considers all of me and my own beating heart which sits inside my chest. This type of love He has for me magnified beyond the joy I felt studying His Creation. He takes such care of His flock and He brings them exactly where they need to be, even if they are too tired to be there. For I ran on two hours of sleep and still felt a push that Jesus was saying "meet me at the lake today, enjoy your time I have much to teach you." And taught me He certainly did. I welcome more of this type of knowledge to enter into my spirit being and I praise Him for bringing me closer to each purpose for each day I breathe on this planet. "The earth, O Lord, is full of Your mercy; Teach me Your statutes."

(Psalms 119:64)

I look forward to the day He brings His flock closer together and fashions them as truely One, so that they may function according to the time we will be in. He is so faithful and His world is so beautiful. The fish bit, they jumped, they hooked and fell off; yet it was all according to how God was speaking to me in that moment. Nothing could compare to His Mighty work and I am forever grateful to be one of those.


Lord, I am so grateful for this beautiful day in which You fashioned together before the beginning of time. Your glory surpasses anything I could imagine and Your ways are true. I long for more of this intimate time with You, taking in all that You have given me and I do not wish to waste a single moment otherwise. Increase my learning, guide me in heavenly wisdom and produce in me much fruit to grow for the Kingdom. Holy Spirit I pray an increase in understanding of the Mighty One above. I welcome revelation and mystery as I seek You out with my whole heart. I love you deeply and I know You love me. I am praising You with the wind, trees and animals. I am forever Yours and I receive Your blessing today as I am only here because You have fashioned me to be here. Use me according to Your plans and prepare the way You need me to go. I follow You and only You. It is in Your Name I pray and believe, Jesus Christ. Amen.

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