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Equipping Us To Spread The Gospel

September 28, 2021

But the Lord stood with me and strengthened me, so that the message might be preached fully through me, and that all the Gentiles might hear. Also I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

~II Timothy 4:17~

What a gift it is to not only have the gospel in our hands but to share it with others. There are so many in this world that are unaware of the Truth about Jesus Christ. They are wandering this earth attempting to fill voids in their hearts and crying out for an answer. I was so gracious to receive the gospel and become that new creation God set out for me to be. It brings great joy and fulfillment in my spirit to share with others what I have received. The thing about truth is once you know it, it is only right to speak it. Sometimes speaking up about the good news involves much persecution and requires much courage to do so. The best part about sharing is that we are never on our own to do so. Paul makes it very clear the company which he had every moment of everyday on his journey. It was never easy but it was never truely lonely for Paul.

"The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?" (Psalms 118:6)

When we have Jesus backing us, nothing can truely harm us. Paul says the Lord stood with him and strengthened him. Jesus never backed down from using Paul the way He planned. There may have been road blocks and strongholds but God always pulled them down and kept Paul moving forward.

"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."

(Philippians 3:14)

Just as Daniel was delivered unharmed from a lions den, Jesus stood beside Paul and He stands beside us in the same way.

What is currently attempting to block you from sharing the good news? What trials have us down on our backs when we should be on our knees? Jesus is right here my friends. He isn't going anywhere. It is time to receive His strength and press forward knowing in faith that nothing will stop God's word from being shared. It is His will that all may hear. Some may reject it but they will hear it. There needs to be that opportunity for them to know about His Son. Who else better to hear it from then His own children.

We are a divine Family, a team placed together to share the wonders of what our Father did for us at Calvary. Sometimes we may hesitate to share what we know to be true in fear of being condemned, rediculed or turned away; but did Paul allow these things to stop him? He certainly did not. He knew the One who was standing with him and He knew Jesus would never turn away from His word. We need to start giving our all to the One who saved us, the only One who helps us and give back in the same way He gave to us. How great an honor it is to be used by God to give to others. Where would we be without Jesus? "And you, who once were alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now He has reconciled."

(Colossians 1:21)

We have been brought near to God. We have been adopted into His Family. We are no longer aliens to Him but to this world. That may sound scary but it is such a blessing!

We don't have to be afraid, we dont have to worry. Paul painted a perfect picture of trust in Jesus. He suffered much but he gained more. We will too. It will not be easy to stand for Christ but it is a lot easier then standing for the god of this world. God comes out as the winner everytime. He is the only Deliverer, Protector, Provider and true Friend. It is time to love like He loved us.


O Lord Our God, thank you for all things pure. Thank you for Your Son, who gave His life for me. I am not worthy, but He is. I am not strong, but He is. I am not wise, but He is. I receive all righteousness, strength and wisdom according to Your loving kindness. Lead me to the Rock that is Higher then I.

I desire to spread Your word to those who have no hope. I know what it is like to feel lost and I want to be a shining light to those who are walking in darkness. I praise You and honor You as the King of Kings who paid all of our spiritual debt in full, Jesus Christ, Lord of Lords. Amen.

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