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Determine Who You Are

August 16, 2021

that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

~II Timothy 3:17~

We all have an identity as humans. One that describes who we are or what we represent. Man or woman. Blonde or brunette. Easy going or tough. Some of us identify with our line of work we do. Whatever it may be we determine who we are and as humans become very adamant with it. In the same way, spiritually speaking, we all are made to have an identity in Christ. It is up to us whether we want to figure out what that is.

How do we do this? "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me." (John 15:4)

As we draw nearer to the Lord Jesus, asking Him to strip us of anything that is our own desire we will begin to determine who we are in Him. His Body is made up of many parts and we are to find out which one we are. As we grow in knowing Him intimately, our calling and our purpose become so clear to our hearts; "God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord." (I Corinthians 1:9)

We are worthy for Jesus has made us worthy by His Blood. We can better understand our "spiritual career." Our identity here is temporary yet our identity in Christ is eternal.

"And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever."

(John 8:35)

We are with Jesus forever and therefore we are His forever. Whatever job we may have here on earth or whichever thing we identify ourselves with will one day end. Who we are in the Lord will always be and greatly rewarded when we go Home to see Him. As we continue in the direction of God's path for our lives we will become more equipped for every good work He has for us as the complete man/woman of God. The Lord desires for us to be full and ready to walk beside Him in His identity for us. We were made to be with Him after all.

He is calling out to His children and He is asking that we may lean further on Him in these times, determining who we are in Him and using it to the fullest for His glory.

It is time to truely be fruitful and multiply as His people need our help and example. Who are we in Christ Jesus? If we are struggling to know the answer still, Jesus says "Come to Me, I will show you." We must give Him our undivided attention and time everyday. The more we grow in relationship, the more we become One; "But he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him."

(I Corinthians 6:17)

I thank my God that I am made in His image and that I am identified through His Son, the King of Kings. My prayer each day is that all my brethren may determine who they are in Him and be complete, ready to do Kingdom work as a Family.


Father God, thank you for the identity You have created me with. I desire to become aligned to who I am in Your Son so that I may become all that You need me to be. I can't walk in this world without Him and I know that as I understand who You have made me to be for Heaven's work, I will witness more people grow closer to You. This is my ultimate desire; to walk in the will of God, be pure in my heart, receive people in love and bring others to know the Lord Jesus Christ. Lord, I need Your help to continue aligning my will to Yours, making two into One. For I live because You live. My life is eternally Yours. Grow me in the way You need to use me, I surrender myself to You in the Body of Christ and I pray to determine where that puts me so I may be clear how to walk more confidently. May all praise be given to You and Your light shine so brightly upon those I pass as I am filled with Holy Spirit fire. In Jesus Name. Amen.

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