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Continue To Be Bold

August 23, 2021

The wicked flee when no one pursues, But the righteous are bold as a lion.

~Proverbs 28:1~

Today I had many opportunities to pray, praise and mingle with brothers and sisters. I enjoy the company of those who love Jesus, it brings such light into all things. As I went about my day I was seeing signs pointing to lions. My day started with a lion and then ended with the most beautiful picture of a lion that was drawn and framed for me from a beautiful child of God. She handed it to me as if to say "continue to be bold." Coming from a child, it touches me that much more. The faith of a child we know is everything to Jesus; "Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 18:4)

The lion was being shown to me throughout the day and then suddenly as I came into deep prayer with the Lord to determine the devotional, I was staring into this picture which I immediately hung above my dresser, He spoke those words right to me; "continue to be bold as that lion." I knew right then and there He wanted me to remind all of His children what this child had reminded me of. "Be bold My children." Lions are energnic and strong. They respect strength in others. Funny enough they are the only cat that live in groups. Some prides can be up to thirty lions, depending how much food and water there is. Interestingly we serve a Mighty Lion ourself; "But one of the elders said to me, “Do not weep. Behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has prevailed to open the scroll and to loose its seven seals.”

(Revelation 5:5)

Jesus instructs us to live as He lives and imitate His characteristics so people can witness His love in a powerful way. We can be humble and bold at the same time just as Jesus modeled. Just as a lion thrives in a pack of others, we are called to unite in power of His Might, just as I shared in today that brought me that great amount of joy. There is nothing like being called to be bold in such a way that claims what He has already settled for us; "For the word of the Lord is right, And all His work is done in truth."

(Psalms 33:4)

That boldness that says to keep on moving ahead no matter what kind of fight may occur for it, just as a lion may come across in a hunt.

The righteous are as bold as this. We follow a bold Master and therefore we must imitate Him in this manner. Let us not be afraid when things change, shift or become uneasy; for we are capable of being bold towards our own opposing prey. We are overcomers for He has made us to be. We are to be fed and to feed plenty in the word, just as a pride grows if there is plenty to eat. Today this reminder struct my heart in a powerful way that gave me the understanding of our King within us. It took me into a sense of confidence when things began to cause me to feel weary. That roar of a lion was piercing through my soul and I was reminded to keep rising up and pressing on. Lions do not give up, neither should we! Lions do not fear, neither should we! Lions are courageous.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9)

Jesus roars with righteousness and we are covered by this. Let us roar and be bold as that lion that dwells within all of us who believe. For our Righteous Master calls us to be.


Abba Father, thank you for Your sweet reminder to be strong and of good courage. Your faithfulness is everlasting and I know that with my Lord I can be bold as a lion. I carry His rightouesness and I am confident in Him. I long for an increase of wisdom moving forward in my calling. Let me align myself to Your will, not my own. I trust in You and in all the strength You have given to me. Let Your boldness penetrate through me and strike my foes so that they may see. The wicked will flee as they hear the roar of the Almighty within me. They will declare the works of the Lord and share in a holy reverence. Let Your Kingdom come Lord Jesus. My bold, courageous and truthful Lion of Judah, Jesus Christ. Amen

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