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Clear Your Mind

October 5, 2021

This I recall to my mind, Therefore I have hope.

~Lamentations 3:21~

It seems like our minds are our biggest battlefield. We are constantly having to take every thought captive, for if we do not then it will over take us causing a grave amount of stress and concern. Our enemy loves to enter through our mind, making us question or doubt in what God has showed us or spoken to us. It is a back and forth of mixed emotions. "Thus my heart was grieved, And I was vexed in my mind."

(Psalms 73:21)

Many of us may be feeling an overflow in the mind. We may feel as though we just have too much on our plate and it is discouraging. The Lord has spoken today to instruct His beloved to set aside time with Him and clear our minds completely. What so ever it may be. Whether we are thinking about work, what will be for dinner, church matters or family issues. Jesus is telling us to wipe it completely clear today. When a hard drive becomes overloaded it will over heat causing the system to slow way down. Some of us may feel like this right now, moving so slow because there is just too much going on inside our heads. It is time for us to really cast our cares on Him. "And do not seek what you should eat or what you should drink, nor have an anxious mind."

(Luke 12:29)

The Lord Himself steers us away from anxiety. He wants our minds to stay on Him where there is only peace. When we focus in our mind on things of Christ, we will begin to have hope in all the places we once worried about. We will trust more. We will feel more relaxed. God did not design us to take control, therefore we should not attempt to. We are living in times where a lot of thoughts are truely over taking our spirits. It is causing a downward spiral of fatigue and depression. Take time out of your day, pick a comfortable spot in your home, play some relaxing worship music and ask Holy Spirit to help you clear your mind of all distractions, disturbances and things that do not align with Him.

"So we built the wall, and the entire wall was joined together up to half its height, for the people had a mind to work."

(Nehemiah 4:6)

In order to fulfill the plans God has for us we must have the mind to do so. The motivation to walk beside Him and know that it will be okay. The people helped Nehemiah's wall construction according to God's will because they had the capability in their minds to do so. They were cleared of anything else that may have stopped them from pressing forward. Of course the enemy sent his own road blocks to Nehemiah and his people to get them to stop, but they did not allow these to over take them. They focused on the task at hand and only that. The rest they wiped clean. This is what the Lord needs of us. He has jobs for each of us but we can't fulfill them until we clear our mind and take on His.

"For if there is first a willing mind, it is accepted according to what one has, and not according to what he does not have."

(II Corinthians 8:12)

What we do have is Jesus and what we don't have is the capability to do anything without Him. Let us select all that does not matter in Heaven's will and move it over to the trash bin. Clearing ourselves of the heavy load that will get us nowhere. Jesus wants nothing more then to see His children walking in peace, taking each step one step at a time. What do you need to clear your mind of today? Ask the Lord to come help you, He is waiting for that open invitation right now.


Lord Almighty, thank you for always being a present help in time of trouble and angst. I need Your help today to clear my mind of things that are strategically placed there to distract me or overwhelm me. Your word is true when it tells me You care more for me then the birds of the air, for if You supply them with all they need You will do so for me as well. I put my mind in Your hands today and ask You to wipe it clean of all things that do not pertain to life and godliness. I am praising You as You remind me how important this is to do. I want to be able to be used successfully by You. Help me be a blessing to those who are weighed down with thoughts that do not align with You. Let all anxiety and depression flee at the Mighty Name of our Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.

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