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Always Prevail

September 16, 2021

Do not rejoice over me, my enemy; When I fall, I will arise; When I sit in darkness, The Lord will be a light to me.

~Micah 7:8~

As servants of Almighty God, we are naturally born to become royal. We are Kingdom workers who are called to a divine way of living. We are under the most High authority. The light is beaming from underneath us and the darkness cannot withstand it! Glory is here and glory is coming! The Lord is preparing His people to see what is unseen, to hear what is unheard and to receive what is "impossible to the world." For with God nothing will be impossible.” (Luke 1:37)

Whichever circumstance has us feeling defeated right now, God is going to turn it into goodness. He is shifting things into place for the enemy to choke on his own laughter. There is no reason for foes to rejoice, for God is with us; "Then Nathan said to David, “Do all that is in your heart, for God is with you.” (I Chronicles 17:2)

The fight is real but the battle is already won. It does not take much to watch our enemies flee when we follow the Lord Jesus and put all of our trust in Him.

Some of us may feel as though we are falling right now. We may be battling health issues, sudden loss/grief, church complications or spiritual warfare. God is saying He is with us through all of it and eventually we will be standing up tall and joyous again. The enemy has but a short time to think he has one up on God, yet he never will. In a time when deception is heavy, look to Jesus.

In a time when heartbreak seems inevitable, look to Jesus. In a time when we feel like we have lost it all and there is no going back, look to Jesus. He has the perfect plans for the perfect times; "looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."

(Hebrews 12:2)

We too are sitting in the heavenly places with Jesus Christ. We have much to rejoice in and so little to be afraid of. The Lord's promises are kept and we are beginning to see them unfold before our very eyes. It takes great faith to partner with God, what a gift that we are able to! Jesus gave up so much to give us so much! Let us focus on these words today as a reminder of just how strong we are in the Lord's might. "When I fall, I will arise. When I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me!" We are told to meditate on His word and to be courageous. The time is now to wrap Scripture around us and watch as our enemy flees! We will always prevail with Heaven backing us!

Believe it to be so.


Lord God, I thank you for being the author and finisher of my faith. I am grateful to be used by You as a holy vessel of hope and encouragement to others. Guide me in the Light of Heaven. I have nothing to fear. I worship You my King as I watch my blessings arise. I delight myself in You and all that You do. I know You will never give up on me. I shall stand beside You all the days of my life and declare Your amazing works before the eyes of the wicked. Thank you for protecting me and my family. Holy Spirit fill the cups as they leak. Guide us in this beautiful Creation of Yours to fulfill Your purpose. Let all glory be given to You, the Maker of all, the Victor and the One who makes the darkness flee! In Your Name I rejoice, pray and give thanks; Jesus Christ. Amen.

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