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All Of Creation

July 26, 2021

Beasts and all cattle; Creeping things and flying fowl;

~Psalms 148:10~

As I sat in this hotel resort breathing in God's presence sharing a wonderful vacation with family in complete relaxation, I pondered what Holy Spirit wanted me to write for you. I sat in a rocking chair welcoming the Lord to sit beside me. I prayed, gave thanks and soaked in the gorgeous sunlight as the slight breeze came across my face. I asked the Lord, "what is it, why can't I seem to focus up here?" Jesus spoke and said "come meet me in the garden." There is a beautiful large garden on the property that you can walk through on brick paths. It is the one place I feel His presence increase.

"The Lord God planted a garden eastward in Eden, and there He put the man whom He had formed." (Genesis 2:8)

Gardens hold such special significance to mankind and here Jesus was meeting me right there to commune with me.

He insisted and I loved to do nothing more. So i got up, grabbed my bible and proceeded to walk. On the way I noticed some butterflies that were on their way in beside me, I smiled. The cicadas grew louder in volume upon the trees as I mentioned His Name each time, they came into agreement. I took a stroll and asked the Lord where it is He wanted me. He began to lead me up this path to a bench in the shade, which reminded me of the many bible stories of God providing cool shaded areas for His children to speak with Him.

"Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, So is my beloved among the sons. I sat down in his shade with great delight, And his fruit was sweet to my taste."

(Song of Solomon 2:3)

As I sat down I felt God's presence come in so strong, there was nobody else around except for a few passing folks within the hour I sat there. He told me to "look up," as I did i saw three birds circling around me. It reminded me of the Holy Trinity that is with us wherever we go; "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Amen." (II Corinthians 13:14)

I put some worship music on, rather loud of course, which is human's way of singing to Jesus. The birds chirping all around sung their own praise music to the Lord as they saw Him in the midst of the garden with us. The Lord had me glance down at the walkway next to me and the bugs near by almost danced along. The butterflies fluttered all around me as I sat there in awe of all God has made just for us; "And He is before all things, and in Him all things consist." (Colossians 1:17)

I was surrounded by all of the creeping things, flying fowl, beautiful flowers and full trees. I was imagining what it must of been like before sin entered the earth as i stared at some small patches of burnt brown grass spots here and there. I also imagined how it will be when it is made new again and sin is wiped off the face of the earth; "Then He who sat on the throne said, “Behold, I make all things new.” And He said to me, “Write, for these words are true and faithful.”

(Revelation 21:5)

I took in all the scenery and continued telling Him how much I loved Him. I felt His sweet embrace and so can you! So here I was, right where the Lord wanted me and had I not listened, I wouldnt have this beautiful piece to write to you. Jesus longs for more of His children to meet Him in the gardens, the beaches, the parks, the backyards or wherever He calls us to seek Him and His creation. He longs for us to join in with creation to praise His Holy Name. He wants us to grow our spiritual eyes as we notice all of the things so many tend to take for granted. With Him we will notice the beauty, the joy, the glory He has given to us. Without Him it will only be another bug, another butterfly, another bird or another swarm of cicadas just "being noisy." Take in all of His creation, He made it specially for us!


Heavenly Father, thank you for Your beautiful creation that I am able to walk with You in and feel Your loving presence. I desire all of You Jesus. I join in with the birds, the butterflies, the bugs and the trees in great praise! I declare this day to be the Lord's day, filled with abundance of joy and peace. I continue to follow You into life's journey until it is made whole and new. Thank you for the opportunity to rest in You each moment of the day. Blessings for my brethren out there to have their spiritual eyes opened more. In the Name of my Almighty Creator, King Jesus Christ. Amen.

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