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A Beautifully Tough Process

December 22, 2020

But now, O Lord , You are our Father; We are the clay, and You our potter; And all we are the work of Your hand.

~Isaiah 64:8~

If you are familiar with pottery and how it is made, you are most likely aware of the steps and process behind making beautiful, strong and long lasting pieces. I will briefly overview in case you do not. When a person molds and shapes clay sometimes it involves pressing down hard, breaking off pieces and reshaping before the person gets exactly what they imagined the creation of said piece to look and function like. After the clay pottery is shaped and brought to its creators design, it is set out to dry. In this drying process it rests and is prepared for a fire. The firing step allows it to bake and stengthen. After the first fire it is covered in a glaze as a protection from outside elements, after this it is put into the kiln for a refiring to seal the glaze in place. Once the glaze firing is complete any exterior pieces that was brought out of it through the fire can be sanded off and made smooth. Then it can be used for its intended purpose. What does this have to do with God? Well, here in Isaiah we see he uses the verse to call our Father our potter. We are the clay, Isaiah says. God is our potter. Everything we are is in the work of Jesus' hands. Think of it this way, we live in a world created by our Father, us being the clay are shaped and molded into a being. The process we go through in our individual walks in life tend to be a matter of shaping, breaking, waiting, hitting fire, resting more and hitting more fire. Some days we may go through things the Father allows whether its a sudden financial battle, relationship issue, health trial, sudden loss or plain out attack. These steps can correlate to the Potter's process of making His masterpiece into a pure child of God. Some things He will remove from our life. Some things He will break us down in, causing humility to set in. Some things will feel like a raging fire of battle, war and tests to stir up your inner man to fight. Some things will call you to just wait and be still, to rest. Some things may be broken off of you removing a specific relationship from your life, whether for a season or for good. All in all each step we take in this process as the clay, we can smile and know that no matter which area the Father has us in each process involves us being in His hand. If He moves us to shape us we are in His hand, If He moves us to rest He places us there and waits with us, If He moves us into the fire He carries us there and through it and if He needs us to remove more sharp edges that are revealed during the fire He will sand those smooth with His hands. For He needs to make sure we are ready to be the children He has called us to originally be; sometimes this involves bringing out the sharp edges in our lives that even hide from our own view; " And see if there is any wicked way in me, And lead me in the way everlasting." (Psalms 139:24)

Every moment. Every step. Every aspect has us in His hands. He will never leave us; "Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”

(Deuteronomy 31:6)

We are to remain strong and trusting in each step no matter how hard it may look or feel. His promises remain, nobody can change His love for us. How wonderful it is that the Father wants to perfect us enough so we can be everlasting and fulfill His purpose as His holy vessel, just as a beautiful clay vessel is made to fulfill its final purpose and to be strong enough to endure whatever journey it is sent away to do. We can rest in the assurance that each one of us has a special purpose in His overall plan for this world. We do not need to compare ourselves to others, worry about why we are in the situation we are in or give up; for we know we can take a step back and think to ourselves maybe we are just in the shaping stage, resting and waiting stage, breaking stage or firing stage. Each of which is a beautiful step to take in to get to the end. Let us give into these uncomfortable situations with the grace and strength of God filling us through it, knowing that in time we will be exalted and lifted up to be displayed as a beautiful work of art to show the Fathers glorious work He has done.

For if we fight against our process, we will end up taking a step back and wind up being reshaped all together. Everything may start over. Seek to push ahead and know He will get you through!

“Woe to him who strives with his Maker! Let the potsherd strive with the potsherds of the earth! Shall the clay say to him who forms it, ‘What are you making?’ Or shall your handiwork say, ‘He has no hands’?"

(Isaiah 45:9)

Let us trust in what the Lord allows into our lives good or bad and love Him always for His work. He may just be making you even more beautiful in the end.


Father God, thank you for caring so much about who I am to become, that You put me through the amazing stages of life. Help me to focus on each process in my days ahead whether it be good or bad as a blessing. I know that You will exalt me as Your creation and that sometimes it will seem hard to push through. I know I can rest gently in Your hands in each step You put me in. Thank you for believing in me enough to give me life to begin with. Your great love outstretches all my fears and concerns. I am redeemed and free by the blood of Jesus and I can accept my fate no matter what that may be. For I know He is my rock and no storm can blow me down as He is beside me. I praise You Jesus for the truth You teach me each day, for the new mercies You supply and for the everlasting life You bring. May I bring Your name honor today. It's in that Name I pray, Jesus Christ, my Potter. Amen.

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